
  Forgiveness and healing By Tom Taffel From the Christian Science Sentinel – April 18, 2012   Forgiveness promotes healing, and healing supports forgiveness; they are two different sides of the same coin. Unforgiving thoughts foster fear, hatred, and,...

Animal Magnetism for Dummies

Let’s be clear….animal magnetism is nothing;  it’s not real and it has no power — because it does not exist in reality.  It has no more cause, substance, law or power than the false belief that 2 + 2 = 5 … (which, admittedly, can be problematic if you happen to...

I Am – Because – I am

I am grateful for unlimited abundance Because I am learning that abundance isn’t what I have, but what I give. I am striving to be more generous, gracious and compassionate Because I am part of the seamless flow of good. I am in need of nothing but the truth Because I...

“Keep Moving – with the holidays”

With the new year just around the corner, many of us may be contemplating moving, making lifestyle changes, changes in employment or even family situations. Whatever the need for change, the one word that strikes a universal chord among us all is “movement.” Movement...