Sep 25, 2012 | Daily Bread
“For what it may be worth to you – I am a Journal listed CS practitioner, When my son, my only child, came out as gay a number of years ago, I did not ask God to change him; I asked God to change me-to open my eyes and heart wide enough to not lose sight...
Sep 25, 2012 | Daily Bread
To those leaning on the sustaining infinite, today is big with blessings. Mary Baker Eddy The ideas of a spiritual reformer live on. Virginia Harris, C.S.B As a Founding Trustee of the Mary Baker Eddy Library for the...
Sep 17, 2012 | Daily Bread
In her address to Christian Scientists in Chicago in 1888, Mrs. Eddy said: “In obedience to the divine nature, man’s individuality reflects the divine law and order of being. How shall we reach our true selves? Through Love … I will love, if...
Sep 14, 2012 | Daily Bread
2:21 Lincoln – View the video – LINCOLN is in theaters November 9th, 2012 (Limited) and Nationwide November 16th, 2012. Steven Spielberg directs two-time Academy Award® winner … “Whenever any church...
Sep 12, 2012 | Daily Bread
Pliny gives the following description of the character of true greatness: “Doing what deserves to be written, and writing what deserves to be read; and rendering the world happier and better for having lived in it” Strive thou the joy and crown of such a...