Jan 14, 2015 | Daily Bread
1/14: Love in the wake of trauma Tony Lobl, CS, from London, United Kingdom. “Love in the wake of trauma “- click here for audio lift In today’s Lift, Tony quotes...
Jan 12, 2015 | Daily Bread
Evening Prayer Given by Mary Baker Eddy to Students (BlueBook by Richard Oakes, pg. 64) Before you are ready to close your eyes in sleep, be sure you are not holding anything unlovely in your consciousness, anything unlike God; laying...
Jan 5, 2015 | Daily Bread
Only One New Year’s Resolution to Make! 04th Jan 2015 by Virginia Harris, C.S.B. The beginning of a new year seems to be full of promises and resolutions to do something different to improve one’s life. Typically these resolutions involve losing...
Jan 2, 2015 | Daily Bread
I was driving in my car today and had my iPod on shuffle. I have thousands of songs but this one brought tears to my eyes. It’s so appropriate for the new year. Read the lyrics and buy this song if you can. It’s powerful. Tyler Perry 01/01/2015...