Dec 6, 2012 | Daily Bread
* Oprah: “What is the message you received? Tell us that.” Dr. Alexander: “You are loved, deeply cherished, forever. There is nothing you have to fear. You will always be loved . . .” Virginia Harris, C.S.B. – What influences you, brain...
Dec 3, 2012 | Daily Bread
For what it may be worth to you – I am a Journal listed CS practitioner, When my son, my only child, came out as gay a number of years ago, I did not ask God to change him; I asked God to change me-to open my eyes and heart wide enough to not lose sight of all...
Dec 1, 2012 | Daily Bread
LOVE IS THE CURE ON LIFE, LOSS, AND THE END OF AIDS by Elton John When AIDS is an uncomfortable and untouchable subject, the disease spreads. But when we bring it to the fore, when...
Dec 1, 2012 | Daily Bread
The Day Rosa Parks made history by riding a bus This weekend marks the 57th anniversary of Rosa Parks’ decision to sit down for her rights on a Montgomery, Ala., bus, and put the effort to end segregation on a fast track. By NCC Staff...