Dec 27, 2012 | Daily Bread
Happy Holidays: Mom Lucy by Shamama Dear Adopted Holiday Child, It can be hard to know what to say to someone who doesn’t have support from their family over the holidays. My own daughter has been pretty lucky for the most part. She always knew, because I told...
Dec 18, 2012 | Articles, Tom Taffel Articles
What if you were to resolve things into thoughts and not think of a sunset as a daily event which takes place at a predictable time, but as an experience, a different dimension, unbounded by time; a quality of beauty and not a predictable, measured event? Wouldn’t...
Dec 15, 2012 | Daily Bread
“As a country we have been through this too many times – an elementary school in Newtown, a shopping mall in Oregon, a temple in Wisconsin, a movie theater in Aurora, a street corner in Chicago. These are our neighborhoods, these children are our...
Dec 10, 2012 | Daily Bread
Family Rejection + Religious Rejection = Self Rejection Self Rejection = Depression, Addiction, and Suicide The Solution is Unconditional Love. A panel of 26 leading researchers, clinicians, educators and policy experts, assembled by AFSP, has...
Dec 7, 2012 | Daily Bread
When somebody commits suicide from bullying of any kind the entire world loses. Raising awareness and prevention by talking about suicide. Gone too soon. Josh Pacheco (View the Video) 5:21 ...