Feb 22, 2012 | Testimonies
We’ve all read God’s Law of Adjustment and know of its targeted metaphysical applications in relation to all human situations, experiences, and difficulties. Our recent discussions have noted it is a “pillar article” within our movement, and...
Feb 15, 2012 | Articles, Tom Taffel Articles
With only two hours until flight time, we found ourselves in a crisis at Saigon’s Ho Chi Minh City International Airport – while leading a group of twenty-eight Americans to visit Cambodia’s ancient temples of Angkor Wat. Upon checking in, Vietnam Airlines...
Feb 15, 2012 | Articles, Tom Taffel Articles
I am grateful for unlimited abundance Because I am learning that abundance isn’t what I have, but what I give. I am striving to be more generous, gracious and compassionate Because I am part of the seamless flow of good. I am in need of nothing but the truth Because I...
Feb 15, 2012 | Daily Bread
Daily Bread February 15, 2012 Rise Up and Walk (Matthew 9:2-7) 6,6,8,6 Rise up, O man, be strong, And walk with footsteps sure; Leave error off, the night is gone, And Christ has made you pure. Rise up, O man, behold The Name of names...
Feb 8, 2012 | Daily Bread
To Injure No Man But To Bless All Mankind. Mary Baker Eddy Daily Bread – February 8, 2012 On Eagle’s Wings You who dwell in the shelter of the Lord, Who abide in His shadow for life, Say to the Lord, “My Refuge, My Rock in Whom I trust.”...