Mark Articles

Sing a new song!

Sing a new song! Why are you walking down that same old road? Why are you carrying that heavy load? See, see, see the Light of God! Yes see, see, see the Light of God. Drop your burden and see like Him Pick up your peace and see like Him Yes see like Him, Yes pick up...

Beautiful Savior

Beautiful Saviour Deep from His Spirit, Pure from His Soul, Our beautiful Saviour Is making us whole. He loves us completely. He cures us of shame. He sees His reflection. He knows us by name. Oh beautiful Saviour So pure and so bright! You make us Your likeness We...


Map Begin Here. Not there in the mirey clay of “where you came from” Not there in the cloudy doubt of “where you are going” but Here Here on solid ground. Begin Now. Let go of that ancient millstone history; Let go of that phoney lodestone future. Begin Now Now is...
