EI Articles


 Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.— JOHN viii. 32 Ellen DeGeneres - Click Here - Openly Gay Rugby Star Gareth ...   It Gets Better - Click Here - Gareth Thomas.mov “No church or society or informal...

Our Innate Happiness

Emergence International25 October 2009Key West, Florida“Our Innate Happiness”IntroductionWriting to the Christian Scientists at First Church in New York, Mrs. Eddy made this provocative statement:  “As an active portion of one stupendous whole,...

Emergence International Annual Meeting – Key West, Florida – 2009

Thank you all for a successful 2009 Emergence International Conference in charming Key West, Florida. One thing that was clear from the beginning of the conference was everyone’s sincere love for Christian Science and its founder Mary Baker Eddy.  This was...

Gay Youth and Suicide – by Rob Scott – Nov 12, 2010

Amy Managing Editor of tmcyouth.com. - The First Church of Christ Scientist November 12, 2010 Dear Amy, I am writing to you in response to your email dated  10/25/2010. I appreciate and respect your concern for how we address youth regarding spiritual matters.  My...

EI Members Interviewed

Some of our members were recently interviewed for a feature in a local magazine. Check out  LGBT Christian Scientist group to hold conference in Tempe, in Pheonix, Arizona's Echo Magazine. "We Love Him, Because He First Loved Us." I John 4:...

2010 Emergence International Conference in Phoenix, Arizona!

2010 Conference in Phoenix, Arizona! A Spiritual Conference for a Diverse Group of Christian Scientists Who is Emergence International? Emergence International is a worldwide community of Christian Scientists, their families, and friends, who provide spiritual and...

2010 Annual Conference in Phoenix, Arizona

Who should attend?      All are welcome! The Date  Thursday Evening through Sunday, November 4th -7th, 2010The Speakers   Christian Science practitioner Jewell Hood, C.S. of Kent, Washington. Additional presenters...