Articles & Testimonies

Beautiful Savior

Beautiful Saviour Deep from His Spirit, Pure from His Soul, Our beautiful Saviour Is making us whole. He loves us completely. He cures us of shame. He sees His reflection. He knows us by name. Oh beautiful Saviour So pure and so bright! You make us Your likeness We...


Map Begin Here. Not there in the mirey clay of “where you came from” Not there in the cloudy doubt of “where you are going” but Here Here on solid ground. Begin Now. Let go of that ancient millstone history; Let go of that phoney lodestone future. Begin Now Now is...

“Time, the world’s greatest illusion”

"Time, The World's Greatest Illusion" presented in Phoenix on November 5, 2010 for the Emergence Conference has been requested by, and will be presented at the Humanities Education and Research Association (HERA) Conference, March 3-5, 2011, in San Francisco....

Demonstrating Immortality Through Forgiveness”

Immortality is unending life.  Forgiveness is the key that opens the door to immortality.  So, how are forgiveness and immortality related? Our bodies are the vehicles which transport us from one place to another with individuality and grace.  But after our human...

Immediate Abundance

A friend was a little short on cash, and so, one day he asked God…."What does a thousand years mean to you?" God replied, "A thousand years is but a moment."  Then my friend asked: "What does a thousand dollars mean to you?" God replied, "But a penny."  Delighted with...

The Human and Divine Coincidence

Here is the keynote speech given by Sue Humble, CS: KEYNOTE: EMERGENCE INTERNATIONAL 11/1/07-11/4/07 Questions about the relationship between God and man, and how God enters into the human to help man, have been hotly debated theological issues throughout time. The...

Love Relationships Marriage

Prepared by Tom Taffel for the 2007 Emergence International Annual Conference Sunday Service held in Phoenix Arizona, November 4, 2007 Hymn #179 “Love one another, word of revelation” The Bible I John 4:8  God is love. Mark 10: 9  What therefore God hath joined...