Our Emergence International Historian has shed light on a hitherto unknown chapter in the annals of Christian Science. This is the story of lesbian/gay believers and their pursuit for respect and dignity in the Christian Science Church. The book traces their stormy...
EI Articles
When I was in elementary school I noticed that there was something different about me but I did not know what is was. By the time I got into high school I was popular and was voted senior class vice president. My parents were divorced and my dad was not friendly to...
Response to the Testimony of M. Mohlenbrock
Thank you for sharing the article you wrote. I am not exactly sure what the road is like for a straight person to accept and understand GLBT issues, so I am touched to read your story. In some cases, acceptance of GLBT issues might be easier for a straight person as...
I was raised in Texas as an Episcopalian. I do not recall any mention of homosexuality in that church nor indeed in any religious context. However, there was a great deal of negativity aimed at "queers" from the public in general. To avoid being ostracized,...
In 1969 the man I was in love with was killed in an automobile accident. I was not a Christian Scientist at the time — actually was Assistant Organist at Grace Cathedral in San Francisco and was an Episcopalian (the church that ordained the gay Bishop —...
How, as a heterosexual, I overcame the “culture” of homophobic thinking
I grew up in the midwest. I guess it was during a time of "if you're different from us we can make fun of you". I know that along with my friends we would pick on the "queers". Was it because they made us uncomfortable? That they were "different"? I don't know. It was...
Neither Gay nor Straight
The revelation which came to Mary Baker Eddy included the vision that gender, or sexuality, is a human concept, a limited perception of individual identity. Gender... is a quality, not of God, but a characteristic of mortal mind (Science and Health 305). Masculine,...
Over the Rainbow – Annual Conference 2001
Our 18th Annual Conference October 18, 2001 The 18th Annual Conference of Emergence International was held beginning October 18, 2001, and ending October 21, 2001. The theme for the conference was "Over the Rainbow." The tropical paradise of Key West Florida...
So My Nature is Complete
Mary Baker Eddy, General Collectanea, pg. 73 This is my support, that the male and female natures are equally expressed, coexistent in me. This is the way that I exist and is the reason I never lack. It is because I am of the nature of infinite completeness; there is...
If God is really Mother and loves us…
From the Christian Science Lesbian Connection newsletter One thing I learned from my Sunday School teachers was how to gain new insight into Bible and Science and Health passages by substituting words. For example, whenever it says "God," we can change it to "Mind" or...