EI Articles

Unconditional Love

  For what it may be worth to you – I am a Journal listed CS practitioner, When my son, my only child, came out as gay a number of years ago, I did not ask God to change him; I asked God to change me-to open my eyes and heart wide enough to not lose sight of all...

World AIDS Day – 12/01/2012

                        LOVE IS THE CURE ON LIFE, LOSS, AND THE END OF AIDS by Elton John  When AIDS is an uncomfortable and untouchable subject, the disease spreads.  But when we bring it to the fore, when...

Offering pure of Love by Laura Moliter CS

    “Have mercy upon me, O Lord, for I am in trouble: mine eye is consumed with grief, yea, my soul and my belly. For my life is spent with grief, and my years with sighing: my strength faileth because of mine iniquity, and my bones are consumed.”  ...

Virginia Harris, C.S.B. – 21st Century Medicine….Love!

  Virginia Harris, C.S.B. - 21st Century Medicine….Love! Posted: 26 Nov 2012 11:06 AM PST   The secret ingredient to health, according to many speakers at the Mayo Transform 2010 symposium, is love. Love from healthcare providers can support a better patient...

Psalm 23

    3:30 Psalm 23 - Video - Bobby McFerrin by Walter Trachim • 3 years ago • 98,081 views * Submitted by Doug Hart * This is Mary Baker Eddy’s spiritual interpretation of Ps 23 from Science and Health p 578 but...

Spirit of Gratitude

    Special thanks to Virginia Harris for permission to repost her blogs to bring comfort and healing to all of us at Emergence International.  There are others who I have reached out to and received their permission as well.  Thank you...

Happy Thanksgiving – 2012

            Happy Thanksgiving from Emergence International 2012.                 Virginia Harris, C.S.B. - An offering of thanks can change your view. An offering of thanks can change your view....

Wings of Angels (Grace – Part 3)

Whatever happens, I hope that you will continue to hold on to hope too.  Even in our darkest moments, it is there.  And in all its tenderness and beauty, even if hard to see sometimes, it is life's greatest gift.  A precious gift to share.  Danielle Steel A Gift of...

Coming Home (Grace – Part 2)

  As a drop of water is one with the ocean, a ray of light one with the sun, even so God and man, Father and son, are one in being.  The scripture reads: 'For in Him we live, and move, and have our being.' Mary Baker Eddy Science and Health 361:16...