EI Articles

Virginia Harris, C.S.B. – Golden Rule Day – Valentines Message

“Human affection is not poured forth vainly, even though it meet no return. Love enriches the nature, enlarging, purifying, and elevating it.”   Mary Baker Eddy Virginia Harris, C.S.B. - Golden Rule Day  Golden Rule Day Do you remember Valentine’s Day when you were a...

Virginia Harris, C.S.B. – The Natural Health Defense

Pure innocence is who we already are. Any suggestion of contagion can be seen as a dense fog obscuring what is real, like a mountain – the fog doesn't affect or change the mountain in any way, does it? The fog only appears to hide the mountain from view for a time....

Virginia Harris, C.S.B.

  “If only the people would believe that good is more contagious than evil, since God is omnipresence, how much more certain would be the doctor’s success…” Mary Baker Eddy   Virginia Harris, C.S.B. - A Call to Healers    A Call to Healers Posted: 13...

You Are Unique

  Each individual must fill his own niche in time and eternity. Mary Baker Eddy   IT GETS BETTER-TIM FROM HAWAII.M4V I hope that through this video I can let everyone who watches it know that they are beautiful and worthy of a wonderful life. VIEW...

Special Edition – Happy Holidays: Mom Lucy

Happy Holidays: Mom Lucy by Shamama Dear Adopted Holiday Child, It can be hard to know what to say to someone who doesn't have support from their family over the holidays. My own daughter has been pretty lucky for the most part. She always knew, because I told her...

Prayer for Sandy Hook Elementary

   "As a country we have been through this too many times – an elementary school in Newtown, a shopping mall in Oregon, a temple in Wisconsin, a movie theater in Aurora, a street corner in Chicago. These are our neighborhoods, these children are our children. We...

A Message to the Unaccepting Parents of Gay Kids

Family Rejection + Religious Rejection  = Self Rejection Self Rejection  = Depression, Addiction, and Suicide  The Solution is Unconditional Love. A panel of 26 leading researchers, clinicians, educators and policy experts, assembled by AFSP, has...