25 Responses to “Open Letter to the Principia Community,” December 3, 2013 1. Thanks for ensuring I got this letter. To be honest, the homosexuality policy was the biggest stumbling block to my accepting the job here. I believe that it is wrong, harmful on many...
EI Articles
Tribute – Martin Luther King Jr. – Now Playing -1/20/2014
"In obedience to the divine nature, man’s individuality reflects the divine law and order of being. How shall we reach our true selves? Through Love. The Principle of Christian Science is Love, and its idea represents Love. This divine Principle and idea are...
Daily Prayer by Rev. Paul Lachlan Peck – 01/17/2014
Daily Prayer 01/17/2014 (Job 11:13-15) 8,6,8,6 Be here within, O Life Divine, And guide me through this day; May every thought from me be kind, Guard everything I say. Stay close beside me, Mind Supreme,...
Naomi Price – The Bible and Homosexuality – Daily Bread – 01/15/2014
Several articles and editorials have been written explaining why homosexuals cannot be admitted to membership. One of these I wrote myself, the title: "Homosexuality Can Be Healed." All I can say in defense of myself for writing it is that it was based on...
A Gift in the Night by Virginia Harris, C.S.B. – Weekend Edition – 01/11/2014
To me, praying in this way – with deepest intentions and inclusive of ALL mankind – is like joining a chorus of angels who are singing a song of gratitude and praise to the all-knowing, all-seeing, and all-acting God. This song fills the atmosphere of Soul, the...
A Lesson from an Eagle by Tyler Perry – Daily Bread – 01/09/2014
Don't Stay Too Long BY TYLER PERRY -1/08/2014 I haven't written...
Dealing with Loneliness by Rev. Paul Lachlan Peck – Daily bread – 01/06/2014
I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you. John 14:18 In the words of St. John: “He shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever.” This comforter I understand to be Divine Science. Mary Baker Eddy (Science and Health ...
Happy New Year 2014 from Emergence International
Happy New Year - 2014 from Emergence International. 2:16 Kathy Griffin Handcuffs Anderson Cooper Live on New Year's Eve (Video) by YouHotNews 16 hours ago 503 views CNN New Year's Eve 2014. NEW...
New Year’s Eve with Virginia Harris, C.S.B. – 12/31/2013
2:45 David Foster (Video) "Carol of the Bells" by MrCmas 4 years ago 38,796 views “…to-morrow grows out of today.” Virginia Harris, C.S.B. It’s that time of year when columnists, pundits, photo-journalists and bloggers try to recap the events of the past 12 months...
ALL THINGS ARE MENTAL AND SPIRITUAL – By Martha Wilcox – 12/18/2013
When fear disappears, the foundation of disease is gone. Mary Baker Eddy (Science and Health 368;31) But we need to trust in God, divine Love. And we must have the confidence to pull back the curtain on fear to expose it for what it ultimately...