Thoughts unspoken are not unknown to the divine Mind. Desire is prayer; and no loss can occur from trusting God with our desires, that they may be moulded and exalted before they take form in words and in deeds.
Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures
That persistence that kept me on the baseball field even when the boys weren’t letting me play . . . . served me and my career.
My desire to play is much stronger than my fear of rejection. And I think that dealing with my sexuality as a young person started that ball rolling.
Jane Lynch
You might know her best for her role on Glee, but Jane Lynch wasn’t always about song and dance. It Got Better!
Sharing the Work
by Rev. Paul Lachlan Peck
Capistrano Beach, CA 92624
(Exodus 18:13-20)
It is not good to bear the load
Of labor all alone;
There lies ahead a long, long road,
Before the work is done.
So gather ’round you sons of might,
And daughters of pure Soul;
Together you shall seek the Light
That heals and makes one whole.
Good counsel, this, O child of Mind,
To heed and thus obey;
For all have need of Spirit’s kind,
To usher in the Day.
The day when all mankind shall rise,
And hearken to one voice;
The voice of God which makes all wise,
The voice which cries, Rejoice!
Rev. Paul Lachlan Peck
From “Footsteps Along the Way”
(slightly edited..)