Articles & Testimonies

It’s not complicated: the 4 ‘C’s’ of a good day. – Virginia Harris, C.S.B. – Daily Bread – 08/05/2013

by | Aug 4, 2013


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It’s not complicated: the 4 ‘C’s’ of a good day.

04th Aug 2013

Virginia Harris, C.S.B



Wouldn’t it be great to feel like you are going through the day wearing a ‘teflon shield’ that repels anything negative like hurtful comments, arguments, or mistakes that sometimes come along?

One of the ways to put on that teflon shield is to ask yourself, what am I thinking about that person or that situation? Is it negative? If so, instead of a teflon shield, you might be wearing a magnet. Because once you start thinking negatively, that’s exactly what you will see and feel.

Simply put, it is always better to think and say something good when faced with a difficult situation, and avoid the negative. These negative thoughts are anything that criticize or complain. Sometimes it is a struggle! But there are four positive ‘C’s’ or qualities that Christ Jesus lived that can form your teflon shield: these powerful qualities have their source in divine Love and are already inherent in you. They can be cultivated and expressed as you go about your day.

Compassion – Express love and forgiveness, have no judgment or temptation to be something other than what divine Love has made you to be.

Clarity – Focus on things of Spirit, all that is good and positive, and have no mental ‘haziness’ from getting caught up in the negative moment or situation that can confuse your efforts to think rightly.

Conviction – This is speaking with assurance, confidence, and authority in those difficult moments because your desire to think and be better is more potent than anything negative!

Courage –  Have courage, not fear; be not discouraged or intimidated, so that you will not react to negative comments, arguments, or situations.

When you express these four positive C’s you are a ray or beam of light that dispels and rejects any darkness. This ‘teflon shield’ not only protects you from negativity, it makes you kind, amiable, tender, not pushy or severe, and never reacting. You are what Mary Baker Eddy describes, a ‘gentle beam of living Love.’ What a great way to go through the day!


