Articles & Testimonies

Let Thine Eyes be Upon the Field by Rev Paul Peck – Friday, 24 July, 2015

by | Jul 24, 2015


Let Thine Eyes be Upon the Field                                                                




Let thine eyes be upon the field,

Nothing must keep you from Life’s Plan;

Let thine hands glean the harvest yield,

Glory seeing the perfect man.


When others’ thoughts would plant dismay,

And cause undue delays, alarms,

Hinder your progress, fears array,

Persistence wins with Love’s strong arms.


When you would plant the seeds of doubt,

Lethargy dulls with needless sleep,

With chaff of error all about,

Persevere through, Life’s Plan to keep.


Perception guides you through the night,

Perspective serves as sword and shield,

Perfection brings you into Light,

Let thine eyes be upon the field.


© Rev. Paul Lachlan Peck


