RESURRECTION. Spiritualization of thought; a new and higher idea of immortality, or spiritual existence; material belief yielding to spiritual understanding.
Mary Baker Eddy
(Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures 593:9)
Virginia Harris, C.S.B. – A Good Day |
Posted: 04 Apr 2015 08:50 AM PDT What a day! The last segment of the Today show, “Do You Believe?”, asked the question, “Is there an afterlife?” Evidently, from Today’s own survey, 55% of adults believe there is, while 37% aren’t sure (8% say no). Two individuals were interviewed who had very vivid near-death experiences as a result of slipping into unconsciousness, and for them there is no doubt there is an afterlife. The best part of these experiences, however, is that upon regaining consciousness, within a short time both were healed of serious chronic illnesses – for which medical treatment had offered no hope. In my faith tradition of Christian Science, these healings are strong evidence of active spiritual consciousness overcoming material conditions, regardless of being in a coma. The mental perception of one’s life is lifted up and out of the confines of the harmful circumstance and is spiritualized. This spiritualized thought heals. A few years ago I wrote a post that included reader examples of near-death experiences. Here is a poem from a mom who had slipped into apparent unconsciousness while gravely ill. She had a vivid, conscious experience where she felt surrounded by love and had no fear. The poem is called “Awakening.” I dream of a tunnel, so dark it seems Lo there! afar off a faint light beams I’m eager to follow, What does it show? But “Wait” a voice shouts “It’s not time to go!” I awaken with joy and begin my day Secure in the knowledge it will be in God’s way! When she came to, she was quickly healed of the symptoms of her illness. Two millennia ago, Christ Jesus overcame his mortal wounds from the cross through the same spiritual recognition and gave proof for all mankind with the Resurrection. As shown by the joyous and free individuals on the Today show, these healing, “resurrection experiences” are possible for anyone! Click here for the Good Friday Today show. |