“Because man-made systems insist that man becomes sick and useless, suffers and dies, all in consonance with the laws of God, are we to believe it? Are we to believe an authority which denies God’s spiritual command relating to perfection, — an authority which Jesus proved to be false?”
Mary Baker Eddy
(Science and Health, page 168)

Don’t accept the trash bag and carry it around.
Daily e-inspire
by Laura Moliter, CS
Tuesday 17th March 2015
Don’t accept that trash bag and carry it around.
Just because someone hands you a bag of garbage, doesn’t mean you have to take it. The picture of experience which mortal mind presents is not exactly inviting, but neither is it necessary or based on a foundation of Truth.
God is Life and He is Spirit—changeless, ageless perfection. Jesus proved this by his words, his healing, and his transcendence of death. Matter is not an authority which we must obey and man-made systems are not greater than God and His Truth, the reality of all being.
Choose rightly. Claim obedience to the benevolent supremacy of God, of divine Love, and refuse to worship or fear a man-made deception, a story of life that doesn’t suit the child of God at all. The law of God does not allow decay and discord. The law of God is always sustaining perfection, and the Christ-message that Jesus came demonstrating is revealing this perfection more and more each day.
No quality of God can be lost or diminish. Don’t accept that trash bag and carry it around. Enjoy the freedom that God gave you and which is always rightfully yours.
Laura Moliter, CS