When others would a plague rehearse,
And broadcast fears of woe-some fate;
When news brings on an illness’ views,
And plans of error conquering man.
Then we must work to soon reverse
These lies which foretell, soon or late,
A claim that Life would not eschew,
Nor can it be within Life’s Plan.
For man was never made to bow
To mortal mind with all its claims;
He must but follow earnestly
The Path of Truth, and Freedom gain.
We know man’s being, here and now,
With health and peace his royal aim,
To be his God-like destiny
Where liberation must remain.
Being close to one thought ill
Need not make our prayer for naught;
And laying hands on fevered brow
Need never cause one’s own distress.
For Love makes every error nil,
And always blesses healing thought;
The Truth of health is with us now,
To lead us forth to Holiness.
Rev. Paul Lachlan Peck
Capistrano Beach, CA 92624