May God be with you.
– Fred Rogers

“…and a little child shall lead them.”
by Virginia Harris, C.S.B.
10th Sep 2014
The past few weeks, school buses have begun their daily routes through town, and kids waiting at bus stops are outfitted in the latest fashion. Seeing them reminds me of shopping for my own boys in preparation of a new school year and thinking each time: “How did they grow so much over the summer? What happened?!!”
Seems to me that this past summer has been all about what is happening with the children – the world’s children, as the news has been riveted on their plight and suffering. And it should be. The images of children in war zones, hospitals, and refugee camps, those far away and those right here in the US on the Mexican border, are heartbreaking to those who have hearts. But as Mister Rogers urged when tempted to focus on scary things in the news, “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.”
There are armies of Good Samaritans everywhere who, by focusing on the needs of the children first, transcend any polarizing political or religious positions and see clearly what practical steps can be taken. My heart fills with gratitude for these selfless individuals.
But I know there is more that can be done. This is a world responsibility, not one country more than another or one religion vs. another. All the caring citizens in all the afflicted countries can be helpers in alleviating the pain of the world’s children. There is something each of us can do.
Perhaps you are far from conflict regions and wonder “How can I make a difference?” You don’t have to be on the frontlines to make a difference…you can be at the forefront of prayer. Let your inherent love for the purity, innocence, and joy of children lead you in your prayer. You can be a helper-healer.
Begin with the assurance, the clarity, and the conviction that the Divine is supreme – all powerful, all wise, all loving, and all active for good to everyone, everywhere: “Our Father…Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.” Divinity embraces humanity here and now with the tenderness and wisdom to comfort our children and guide our communities and governments to appropriate action.
This prayer of affirmation of the allness of God and the unbreakable bond of Love for Her children is a substantive prayer because it is effective; it will show forth positive results.
When you might be tempted to get caught up in human reasoning that often leads to fevered arguments, one side overcoming another, and still there is no end to suffering…where do you go?
Could it be more hopeful and productive to turn away from fear and anger and ask, “Our Father-Mother Love…What is the most loving thing to know about Your children today?” In your own world, in your own situation, this will lead to healing thought and right action.
The prophet Isaiah witnessed the violence of conflicting tribes, but he also had a pure vision of peace here on earth when all that was required was to obey divine law:
“The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them.”
The question, “How to help the children?,” asked and satisfied heart by heart, neighbor by neighbor, and citizen by citizen, leads us moment by moment to care for humanity. This is what we all have been created to do by the Father and Mother of mankind. This is how important and vital saving all the world’s children is to humanity. We can do no less. All we need do is start right.
“God is universal; confined to no spot, defined by no dogma, appropriated by no sect. Not more to one than to all, is God demonstrable as divine Life, Truth, and Love; and His people are they that reflect Him — that reflect Love. Again, this infinite Principle, with its universal manifestation, is all that really is or can be; hence God is our Shepherd. He guards, guides, feeds, and folds the sheep of His pasture; and their ears are attuned to His call.” – Mary Baker Eddy
I am delighted by videos that show flash mobs of musicians spontaneously appearing in crowded venues to entertain an unsuspecting public. When you see the smiles and laughter on faces young and old, aren’t you tickled by these unexpected musical gifts? The following is from a city plaza in Spain, where a young girl makes a simple gesture to begin “Ode to Joy.” (click here).
Make your simple gesture with a daily prayer of all-embracing love for the children. “May God be with you.” – Fred Rogers
* Photo Below – To commemorate the brave and selfless first responders, and all those who worked to recover victims and the lives of the thousands of people who went to work that morning expecting to return to their families and friends that evening, and didn’t.