I desire the equal growth and prosperity of ALL Christian Scientists, and the world in general; each and every one has equal opportunity to be benefited by my thoughts and writings.
Mary Baker Eddy
(Miscellaneous Writings 291:12)
Thirteenth Church of Christ, Scientist – Seattle (Proud to Pray)

I’m happy to be able to respond on behalf of Thirteenth Church, Seattle. I think the most important thing to say about this subject is that Thirteenth Church Seattle, has had a healing. We realize that homosexuality is not something that needs to be healed but rather is a natural outgrowth of God’s great love. As a result the church has undergone a tremendous healing itself and wonderful growth has already occurred within our members and our membership. We are blessed with new spirituality daily as we follow the pathway of love in and for our community. There is now new vitality, new strength, and a stronger commitment to the beauty of Mary Baker Eddy’s discovery within our flock. Our hearts are singing. We have found the way!
Mark Andersen
Clerk, Thirteenth Church of Christ, Scientist