I learned that material food can never solve emotional and mental problems. Yet, how many people attempt to eat their way out of grief, dismay, fear, discouragement, disappointment, and despair?
There was a time when I realized that I was carrying around more matter than I needed for getting through this lifetime experience. I was becoming obese. The study of Soul paved the way for me to drastically reduce the pounds that I was giving free reign in my life.
Soul lends balance to human activities. Through this sense of balance we are able to metaphysically govern, control and heal whatever is needful with respect to the physical senses. When a need for healing arises, how should we approach the condition from a spiritual metaphysical position? A helpful thought that I like to use in my prayer/treatment goes something like this:
“Right where the seeming seems to be is the reality of my pure spiritual Soulful being. Matter cannot dictate the terms under which my life shall be expressed. I am the very Soul of being. I am perfect, pure, spiritual, whole, and holy, right here and right now.”
I developed some further thoughts with respect to the specific aspects of the case. Regarding my treatment involving obesity, I considered the claim from the point of view of satisfying hunger and thirst as opposed to appetite. I knew that the perfect man was never, is not now, and never can be governed by false and inordinate desires, since true desire is an expression of Soul, not the material senses. In addition, I paid attention to exercise, especially “push-a-ways” from the table! Over a reasonably short term, I claimed a healing—forty pounds drifted away.
I learned that material food can never solve emotional and mental problems. Yet, how many people attempt to eat their way out of grief, dismay, fear, discouragement, disappointment, and despair? Too many, I dare say. I was one of these people for years. We should encourage everyone to partake of only that food which is necessary for maintaining a healthy, normal physical body. Also, we should be alert to know whether the body indicates thirst rather than hunger. This is often the case. As we develop our ability to listen to the still, small voice of Spirit, through Soul, we will be able to detect the real needs of the body as opposed to its false appetites and desires.
Again, matter cannot dictate the terms under which my life shall be expressed. Remembering that the body is not me, but mine to govern and control, I now move daily through the temptations to feed appetite alone, and to nurture a healthy sense of spiritual balance—through Soul.
Rev. Paul Lachlan Peck
Developed from: Inherit the Kingdom, Heirs of God and Joint Heirs with Christ…1987, 2005 iUniverse.