(Philippians 4:4-8)
My Soul’s athirst and sated not
While matter would remain so real;
For not until my thought turns pure
Shall I attain my heart’s ideal.
The blemished body challenges
All sense of loveliness and form;
Yet when I learn to Love in heart
Shall every part to Life conform.
The words I use must be at One
With highest goal’s for Spirit’s child;
Of good report is every thought
Exuding grace and beauty mild.
So true and honest are the deeds
And deals I work with fellowman;
This forthright policy reveals
That Oneness with our God remains.
Just are conclusions wrought from Mind,
With Principle and Love as well;
No unjust summaries proceed
From me, or enter thought to dwell.
Virtue and praise are highly sought
As pure ideals to fairly gain;
These are the gifts of God bestowed
On man, to cherish and retain.
So when I think upon these things,
In quiet meditative prayer;
Then all the things of worldly gain
Are added to my storehouse here.
Think on these things with me, dear One,
As you go forth to daily tasks;
Then all the world will benefit
As more than Love, we do not ask.
Reverend Paul Lachlan Peck
Footsteps along the Path:
New Age Hymns and Poems of Power
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