Articles & Testimonies

Rise Up and Walk

by | Feb 15, 2012

Daily Bread

February 15, 2012

Rise Up and Walk

(Matthew 9:2-7)                    


Rise up, O man, be strong,

And walk with footsteps sure;

Leave error off, the night is gone,

And Christ has made you pure.


Rise up, O man, behold

The Name of names demands

Your heart and mind and body whole,

Healed by His precious hands.


Rise up, O man, and work

With surety of mind;

No longer can you duty shirk,

With deeds to do in kind.


Rise up, O man, and praise,

And walk forth with your might;

Lift high your banner, anthems raise,

In tribute to the Light.


© Reverend Paul Lachlan Peck

Footsteps Along the Path, iUniverse, 1987, 2006

