Articles & Testimonies

I Am – Because – I am

by | Feb 15, 2012

I am grateful for unlimited abundance
Because I am learning that abundance isn’t what I have, but what I give.

I am striving to be more generous, gracious and compassionate
Because I am part of the seamless flow of good.

I am in need of nothing but the truth
Because I am satisfied knowing my hopes are truly fulfilled.

I am savoring the blessings of eternal tranquility
Because I have released the chains of resentment, guilt and regret

I am not bogged down by a longing heart
Because I have gained an appreciation of my own self-worth.

I am no longer grieving over the unsaid and undone, the unfulfilled
Because I have been healed of regret, sorrow and guilt.

I am never in danger
Because I am always safe in God’s loving protection

Because my safety lies in my defenselessness
I am not defensive

I am no longer ambushed by death, doubt and fear
Because I am sincerely grateful for ever-present Life, Truth and Love.

I am not going to embrace loss but caress the present
Because the gift of grace gently returns me to the peace I have never left.

I am no longer shedding silent tears
Because I cherish the cleansing tears that sparkle with hope; the certainty of good.

I am grateful for my friends
Because my friends are the family I make.

I am enjoying my home… more…as an extension of my consciousness
Because my “H.O.M.E.” is the “Harmony Of Mind Expressed.”

I am the gracious subject of my own joyous life
Because both twilight and dawn have become times of spiritual renewal.

I am not a physical being having a spiritual experience…
Because I am a spiritual being having a physical experience.

I am not a body, I am free
Because I am just as God created me.

I am the light of the world
Because that is my function, purpose and reason for being.

I am the world through which I walk … taking God with me, wherever I go.
Because wherever I go…God is!
