Our Emergence International Historian
has shed light on a hitherto unknown chapter in the annals of Christian
Science. This is the story of lesbian/gay believers and their pursuit
for respect and dignity in the Christian Science Church.
The book traces their stormy encounters from the days of near total
rejection up to the friendlier atmosphere of the 21st century. This is
the story of perserverance, of hope, and especially healing.
Anyone who values the triumph of right over wrong, and truth over error, will find this narrative compelling and informative.
Christian Science: Its Encounter with Lesbian/Gay America, by Bruce Stores, is published by iUniverse, Inc., and can be purchased from their web site at http://www.iuniverse.com/bookstore, or by calling 1-877-288-4737.
(ISBN: 0-595-32620-X paperback, 0-595-66658-2 hardcover.)