In recognition of the importance of freeing the world’s children from the bondage of poverty, slavery and illiteracy, the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to Malala Yousafzai, a teenage Pakistani woman, and Kailash Satyarthi, a veteran reformer from India.

Significantly, the award reaches across perceived gulfs of age, gender, faith, and warring countries to acknowledge and unite the common struggle for children’s rights. Our very humanity depends on ultimate victory in this struggle.

To me, this honor also recognizes the armies of Good Samaritans engaged in tireless work on behalf of the world’s children. These include countless prayer-warriors who devote each day to specifically affirming that the omnipotent Father-Mother Love impartially comforts and cares for Her children, and tenderly guides and protects the selfless reformers. These individual prayers unite with a powerful Presence that continuously and universally operates for the highest good made tangible for humanity’s sake.

Never doubt that these prayers – your prayers – are effective. The reformers depend on them. The children of the world are freed by them.

At the news conference giving gratitude for her award, Malala first acknowledged the presence of God, “…the most merciful, who is the God of all mankind.” She went on to say that this award represents “…an encouragement for me to go forward and to believe in myself, to know there are people who are supporting me in this campaign and we are standing together….”

Together! Your daily prayer-offering places you in the company of Malala Yousafzai and Kailash Satyarthi. What a blessed company of angels!

One of the world’s leading reformers in theology, medicine, and individual rights of the 19th and 20th centuries, Mary Baker Eddy devoted the last half of her life to proving mankind’s divine right to be free from mental and physical bondage of every sort. “Reform,” she wrote, “does and must push on the growth of mankind.”

Eddy also described the role of every single individual as a reformer in his daily prayers and activities:

“What has not unselfed love achieved for the race? All that ever was accomplished, and more than history has yet recorded.  …Who should care for everybody? It is enough, say they, to care for a few. Yet the good done, and the love that foresees more to do, stimulate philanthropy and are an ever-present reward. Let one’s life answer well these questions, and it already hath a benediction: Have you renounced self? Are you faithful? Do you love?”

In prayer to “…the God of all mankind,” from one to many, we stand together.